Check the events
August 27th to 31st – Chicago, USA.
The 2023 conference theme, Connecting Communities and Science through Addressing Environmental Exposures, addressed ways that individuals and organizations can work together to identify exposures and work to reduce and improve them in our society. The 2023 meeting presented a broad overview of new and re-emerging environmental exposures and their causal link to human health and our communities.
This was ProHuma’s second participation in ISES, the first took place in 2016 – the year the institute’s activities began – where we presented our objective and the initial work plan. In this second participation, after 07 years, we were present at the scientific poster session presenting one of ProHuma’s technical projects, recently completed and in the publication phase – “Defaults values and read-across proposal for dermal absorption based on data sets of in vitro studies on human skin with pesticides”. According to the Technical Cooperation Agreement between ANVISA and ProHuma, there was also a presentation in partnership with the technical team of GGTOX – General Management of Toxicology – of the poster – “Scientific approaches in the development of the Occupational Risk Assessment of Pesticides in Brazil”.
Present at the conference – ProHuma: Fabiana C. Palma – Technical and Administrative Director, Daniele Lautenschalaeger and Marcela Giachini – Coordinators of the Technical Committee. GGTOX/ANVISA: Jeane Jacqueline Françoise Fonseca and Thiago Santos da Silva and additionally part of the Brazil team, technical consultant Matheus B. Grigoli.
The second edition of the Survey of Brazilian Agricultural Scenarios
Study of the main modalities of application of pesticides by cultivation in Brazil
Brasília/DF – May 16 and São Paulo/SP – June 7, 2022
The second edition of the Survey of Brazilian Agricultural Scenarios – Study of the main modalities of application of pesticides by cultivation in Brazil, took place in the cities of Brasília and São Paulo. This new edition introduces unprecedented data from which we can obtain a variety of information regarding the modalities of application of pesticides in the main agricultural crops in Brazil. This research, in addition to providing data to support the assessment of the operator’s risk to pesticides, also provides an important portrait of the Brazilian agricultural scenario for the agrochemical sector. Official entities attended the research launching in Brasília, such as the Ministry of Agriculture – MAPA, which has supported the publication since its first edition in 2018, the Brazilian Institute of the Environment – IBAMA, and the National Health Surveillance Agency – ANVISA, which has a Technical Cooperation Agreement with ProHuma since 2020. Researchers, entities and companies of the agricultural sector were amongst the attendees in São Paulo. The presentation was conducted by Vitor Hugo Leite, an expert from the company Spark, and by the Director of ProHuma Institute, Fabiana Cremaschi Palma.
Risk Assessment Summit Meeting – HESI
Technical Event
February 18-19, 2020 – Washington, DC – United States
ProHuma is always looking for updating and improving technical knowledge, actively participates in scientific technical events related to risk assessment, therefore, participated in this Summit Meeting, sponsored by HESI – Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, to learn about the tool RISK21, being a webtool that allows users to enter estimated exposure and toxicity data for each chemical. This tool can be used in the technical area as a support in the evaluation of ingredients / products.
ProHuma was represented by the Technical Administrative Director Fabiana C. Palma and by the Technical Committee Coordinator Matheus B. Grigoli.
From September 9 to 11, 2019, Campo Grande / MS
The Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS – Chapadão do Sul Campus) and FEPAF – Foundation for Agricultural and Forestry Studies and Research organized, from September 9 to 11, 2019, o IX Sintag – International Symposium of Application Technology. This year’s theme was “Recent Evolution and Technological Innovations”. The event is one of the main forums of the discussions and debates about the evolution of techniques in recent years and technological innovations.
The IX SINTAG program includes lectures by international and national representatives, with debates on the world panorama, and in particular from Latin America, Europe and the United States, about all aspects related to application technology. The most current topics related to the application technology market will be largely discussed: application technology evolution, adjuvants and tank mixes, micronutrient application care, drone application, new technologies in biological control, robotics and precision spraying, environmental risk management, handling according to environmental restrictions, new standards for products registration, drift reduction, agricultural aviation and application technology research. Will also be performed panel sessions (“poster”) to disclosure scientific work and/or actions in the area of application technology.
ProHuma, represented by technicians Andre Sarti and Fabiana Palma, who together with Professor Marco Antônio Gandolfo (State University of Northern Paraná, Bandeirantes PR), Agronomy academics João Oliveira and Matheus Lazarini and agronomist Daniel Petreli, a technician at Maquinas Agrícola Jacto, submitted and had approved the scientific works: 1. VALUE PROPOSAL OF FIELD OPERATIONAL CAPACITY FOR AGRICULTURAL GROUND SPRAYERS; 2. VALUE PROPOSAL OF FIELD OPERATIONAL CAPACITY FOR AGRICULTURAL AERIAL and 3. REPRESENTATIVE VALUES OF SIZE OF AREA TREATED FOR GROUND AND AERIAL AGRICULTURAL SPRAYERS USED IN BRAZIL.
Soon ProHuma will publish this work in its entirety, as a book.
ACS Chemistry and Water Symposium
August 25-29, 2019, San Diego – California / USA
The Symposium program hosted a series of lectures from government, academia and industry, which broached analytical, metabolism, environmental and human risk assessment challenges in agriculture.
ProHuma presented at the session – Human Health Risk Assessment – performed on August 26, a summary of the Survey of Brazilian Agricultural Scenarios, published in 2018, by the Institute with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle and Supplying. – MAPA.
Joint Regulatory Technology Transfer meeting- JRTT
August 13-15, 2019 – Washington D.C – United States
The Instituto ProHuma participated in the Technical Event – Joint Regulatory Technology Transfer meeting (JRTT), Washington DC/USA, August 13-15, arranged by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the North American Task Forces – AHETF (Agricultural Handler Exposure Task Force), ORETF (Outdoor Residential Exposure Task Force) and ARTF (Agricultural Re-entry Task Force), this event was performed for the transfer of knowledge and methodologies, with presentations about the data generated by these three exposure task forces over the past 25 years and how the task forces and the US EPA agency have worked together to develop these databases. In addition to the Brazilian participation of ProHuma, ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) also participated in the technical event at the invitation of the American Agency – EPA.
It was a privilege for ProHuma to have participated this event, as ProHuma recently acquired studies from the US Occupational Exposure Database – AHED and gain knowledge and understanding of how the North American database was developed and how the discussion between the operator exposure assessment task force and the US agency was conducted, will help us to develop the Brazilian database of Occupational Exposure of the ProHuma and to support the implementation of the Occupational Exposure Risk Assessment in Brazil.
Joint ProHuma and AHETF Meeting
December 12 to 14, 2017- Indaiatuba- São Paulo- Brazil
The ProHuma Institute for Scientific Studies met in December with members of the Agricultural Handler Exposure Task Force (AHETF) – the task force of the American Bank – AHED – for occupational exposure studies. Participated in this meeting the representatives of the ProHuma administrative and technical committees, the group of Brazilian consultants who are performing scientific technical support to ProHuma – specialists in technologies and application equipment used in the application of pesticides in Brazilian agricultural scenarios.
The objective of this meeting was the presentation of how the studies of agricultural scenarios of occupational exposure were developed, by the task force – AHETF that compose the international generic database and the exchange of scientific technical information on generic agricultural scenarios and Brazilian agricultural scenarios, to assist in the development of a representative database of Brazilian scenarios of exposure of operators who handle pesticides in Brazil to support the assessment of occupational risk.
XX Brazilian Congress of Toxicology
The ProHuma Institute participated in the XX Brazilian Congress of Toxicology, held in Goiânia from October 8 to 11.
The Institute organized on October 10 – the roundtable:
Models and Practices to evaluate the occupational risk to pesticides handlers – Presentation of the international occupational exposure databases (AHED, PHED and EFSA) / ProHuma initiatives to support the assessment of occupational risk in Brazil
- Dr. Victor Cañez – Risk Assessment Solutions – EUA
- Fabiana C. Palma – Administrative Technical Director of the ProHuma Institute
- Chair: Dra. Silvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros – University of São Paulo (FCF/USP)
2016 Annual ISES Meeting. (09-13oct)
The ProHuma Institute for Scientific Studies participated in the ISES Annual Meeting, held in Utrech, The Netherlands, from October 9-13, which is an international conference in the area of exposure to biological, physical and chemical agents. This year’s theme for 2016 was “An interdisciplinary approach to health and the environment” ProHuma made the presentation Developing an operator exposure database in Brazil. The representatives of ProHuma were:
- Fabiana C. Palma – Administrative Technical Director
- Daniele Lautenschalaeger – Technical Committee Coordinator
- Matheus B. Grigoli – Vice Technical Coordinator